Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lighten The Load

I've always been conscientious about recycling and re-using items, but since I launched my de-cluttering practice four years ago, I am constantly on the look out for new items to recycle and the outlets that accept them. So you can imagine how thrilled I was to find a program at my local Greenmarket in Manhattan that recycles old clothes, shoes, and bed linens, among other household items. Visit

When I am doing my quarterly purge in my homes, I donate to a local thrift store or a charitable organization. But in some cases the items are well past their expiry date and of no use to anyone. I ask you just how many cleaning rags can one have? Knowing that two blocks away, there is a kiosk waiting for my castoffs, has helped me enormously. Each Greenmarket has a receptacle to toss unwanted items. With the possibility of getting a tax deduction you can't afford not to do this. Check with the Greenmarket personnel to find out if you're eligible. If you live outside of NYC, contact your local recycling center to inquire about a similar program or maybe start one in your community. Just imagine how much lighter you and the earth will feel!

One Down. Three To Go!

Here we are halfway through the first quarter of the new decade and I’m wondering how many of you are sticking to your New Year’s resolutions? Each year people make promises that they will lose weight, spend more time with their friends and families, save more money, etc. but shortly thereafter resort back to their old habits. Well one thing you can work on without too much pain, but lots of gain, is to shed the things in your life that aren’t working for you.

If you have a broken or outdated electronic, go online and find out if your town’s recycling program collects it. If there’s an area in your home or office that resembles a junkyard, brace yourself and dig into it. It may seem daunting but after an hour of tossing things or putting them away, you will be amazed at how much progress you can make. One client, a PR professional, spent a night after work tearing through three years worth of files and other assorted papers. He realized it was time to let go while gaining a clear head and office.

If you’re afraid to tackle a task like this alone, then working with a personal organizer may help. As an objective person, an organizer will assist you in determining what to keep, donate or toss. Most people don’t know where to begin but with some guidance you can find the key to a simpler life.