Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
Organizing Is Not Age Specific
No matter what your age or stage in your life, these tips from AARP are applicable to anyone who would like to lead a simpler life. Losing outside storage could be a huge money saver.
2015. Rosemary Flannery. All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Stay Sane This Holiday Season
Busy working on my December talk to a major entertainment company about staying organized during the holidays. This time of year we send ourselves into a tizzy trying to get everything done in a perfect way. I'm here to tell you "perfect" does not always give a high ROI. If you want to learn how to experience your holidays instead of being behind the scenes, book a session with me to help you prep and keep your sanity. Taking appointments now for November.
2015. Rosemary Flannery. All Rights Reserved.
2015. Rosemary Flannery. All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
E-Waste Recycling in NYC
For those of you in Manhattan and Brooklyn who have electronics you would like to dispose of but don’t know how, take advantage of this weekend’s free E-Waste recycling events sponsored by the Lower East Side Ecology Center.
10/24 in Bay Ridge at Xaverian High School parking lot
10/25 in Park Slope on Fifth Ave b/ 3rd and 4th Streets
10/25 on the Lower East Side at Delancey Street between Chrystie and Forsyth Streets
All events are from 10 AM - 4PM Rain or shine.
If you can’t make these dates, consider using the 4th Bin, another ethical e-waste recycling company that services all the NYC boroughs. For a minimal fee, they will come to your home and pick up electronic items that are taking up valuable space in your home. I have a date with them next week and cannot wait!
Happy Recycling!
2015. Rosemary Flannery. All Rights Reserved.
10/24 in Bay Ridge at Xaverian High School parking lot
10/25 in Park Slope on Fifth Ave b/ 3rd and 4th Streets
10/25 on the Lower East Side at Delancey Street between Chrystie and Forsyth Streets
All events are from 10 AM - 4PM Rain or shine.
If you can’t make these dates, consider using the 4th Bin, another ethical e-waste recycling company that services all the NYC boroughs. For a minimal fee, they will come to your home and pick up electronic items that are taking up valuable space in your home. I have a date with them next week and cannot wait!
Happy Recycling!
2015. Rosemary Flannery. All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Back To School. Do you know of three words that instill fear in the minds of children? It seems we just got through July 4 and then the summer is over according to the retail sector. I don't have kids so I am off the hook when it comes to BTS. Or so I thought.
It seems this year adults are getting into the BTS mindset. In the past few weeks, I have had quite a few inquiries from people who are interested in getting their homes in order. Some have goals attached to deadlines, others have just had it and want to make major changes in their living space. I think so many of us at this point in our lives are tired of being bogged down by stuff. We want to see some actual space and ‘air’ in our homes and feel lighter when entering their home.
So unlike parents who are buying supplies for their kids new school year, the people I am encountering are doing the opposite. They are reevaluating their belongings and realizing they can downsize and survive. I know I am taking advantage of this seasonal change to evaluate my ancient electronics and the piece of furniture housing them. I’ve decided to recycle the electronics. The stereo stand was gone in less than an hour by putting it on the street. Now I have a small table for my TV and DVD player and it just feels better.
I’m not saying this process is without pain, many decisions about what to get rid of can be uncomfortable but when one is motivated, like my three newest clients, organizing and disposing of items becomes so much easier. Does this transition into Fall make you want to clear our your space but you’re not sure where to begin? Contact me for a free consultation.
2015. Rosemary Flannery. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Let It Go!
Last Friday as my client and I were pricing items for his impending yard sale, I received an email from 1-800-GOTJUNK containing tips on how to run a successful sale. I thought
how apropos!
I proceeded to read the tips to my client to reassure him I knew what I was doing when it came to running a sale. While I know he trusted me, I think hearing from an impartial source helped him calm down a bit. As it turned out, we were almost sold out by 8:30AM on Saturday and we weren’t even open officially at that time! We happily closed up shop at 11:15AM and took a very small amount of items to the Shelter Island Goodie Section (more on that later). My thrilled client and I were able to lounge by the pool the rest of the afternoon drinking an excellent local sparkling rose brought by a longtime friend. But I digress…
This is prime yard sale season so if you are inclined to have one, here are some tried and true tips to make your sale a huge success. Some of these may be obvious to seasoned sellers, but to you newbies, take note:
1) Make sure EVERY item is marked clearly and perhaps write your initials on the price tags. The latter is especially important if you are participating in a multiple family sale to avoid confusion and insure monies go to the correct seller.
Price in increments of .25 on up and have about $50 in a mix of bills and quarters on hand to make change. Most people pay with $20’s so make sure you have enough singles on hand.
2) Price items to move. The primary goal of a sale is to get rid of unwanted or unnecessary items. Making money while important, is not always the ultimate. Sometimes telling the provenance of an item makes it more appealing and apt to sell.
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Our Sale War Room |
3) ADVERTISE!!!! With social media and the internet, there are additional outlets for getting the word out about your sale. Post on your personal and town FB, Twitter and Craigslist pages. Even send a group email to friends who may be interested in checking out the sale. However, if your town or area has a local paper, also place an ad. Most of the buyers at our sale when polled, came because of the ad in the paper.
Make good signs - lots of them - and make sure they are legible and strategically placed the night before the sale. Don’t forget to take them down once the sale has ended.
4) Depending on where you live, try to bring items out the night before to save set up time in the morning (see #4) or bring the items to the garage or area closest to the spot where you are holding the sale. While we were sunning ourselves at the pool after our prep on Friday afternoon, we made a few sales because dealers drove by and saw our set up on the lawn.
5) Merchandise your sale like a store. Put like things together, e.g., all kitchen items together, furniture with furniture, etc. Customers appreciate easy the organization.
6) Be prepared to make deals. Know your bottom line and be willing to negotiate if it means getting rid of stuff. If you have some items that you stand firm on, tell buyers and perhaps give them the option to come back at the end of the day and see if the item is still there. If it’s a choice of taking less or having to keep an unwanted item, it might be time to be flexible on prices.
7) Expect early birds. My client didn’t believe me but sure enough, we were mobbed at 7:15AM while setting up. Be polite, friendly and let them peruse. You have to make your sale when you have the customers so don’t ask them to come back when at your posted start time. This is where having everything marked ahead of time comes in handy because buyers can shop while you continue to set up.
8) Lastly, nothing comes back in the house when the sale ends. Leftovers can be left at the curb with a free sign (make sure this is allowable in your area). Or make a drop off at the local thrift shop (don’t forget to get your receipt for a tax deduction) or take it to your town’s version of Shelter Island’s Goodie Section. Many town recycling centers have swap areas where residents can drop off unwanted items that are in usable shape and be taken by residents. It’s like their own version of freeycle.org and insures items are not designated to crowd landfills.
Leftovers |
With some careful prep time, organization and a positive attitude, your tag sale will not only relieve your physical load but also your mental one. Let us know your tips for a successful sale. And of course if you feel you can’t do this on your own, get in touch and I can facilitate.
2015. Rosemary Flannery. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Mail Call
As a personal organizer, I am amazed at the number of people who don't open their mail. It just continues to pile up. A person's the lack of interest can wreak havoc on one's credit rating since bills aren't paid on time or at all.
I am not a big fan of, Peter Walsh but if this method helps you alleviate piles of paper in your home, then good for you. I recommend that any sensitive papers be shred. This paper as well as other unnecessary papers can be recycled - a point Mr. Walsh leaves out of his tips.
Another service to use to rid yourself of junk mail is Paper Karma. You will need a smartphone to photograph the mail you no longer want to receive and they do the legwork of getting you off of mailing lists. This is a free service and I use it myself.
2015. Rosemary Flannery. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Spring Sale
Hello Readers:
My town, Highlands, NJ is having its town wide yard sale this Saturday, May 2 (rain date May 3) from 9AM- 5PM. It's supposed to be a beautiful day so take a ride over and check out all the treasures. Stop by and see me at my friend’s house @ 296 Rte. 36 (corner of Waddell and directly across from Kavoojian Field). TONS of architectural salvage, Mission and Mid- Century furniture and artifacts, cool, NEW vapor jar industrial outdoor lights, and other vintage items. Tell your friends. See you on Saturday.
Here's the link to the map of participants:
See you there.
2015. Rosemary Flannery. All Rights Reserved.
My town, Highlands, NJ is having its town wide yard sale this Saturday, May 2 (rain date May 3) from 9AM- 5PM. It's supposed to be a beautiful day so take a ride over and check out all the treasures. Stop by and see me at my friend’s house @ 296 Rte. 36 (corner of Waddell and directly across from Kavoojian Field). TONS of architectural salvage, Mission and Mid- Century furniture and artifacts, cool, NEW vapor jar industrial outdoor lights, and other vintage items. Tell your friends. See you on Saturday.
Here's the link to the map of participants:
See you there.
2015. Rosemary Flannery. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Shake It Up!
Change is a good thing and inevitable. Sometimes it's self- initiated and other times, things just happen. If you are feeling restless on a rainy day like today, maybe it's a good time to re-examine your space and see if a few minor changes could make you feel more grounded. Check out tips from our friends at Apartment Therapy.
Let me know the results.
2015. Rosemary Flannery. All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Cable Network
We all have them lying around and taking up valuable space in our homes and offices. Here is a solution from Unclutterer to get rid of those pesky unknown or unusable cables that is a green alternative to throwing them in the trash.
On a local level, I recommend using, the 4th Bin, a company that charges very reasonable fees to ethically recycle electronics and cables. And the great part about this group is, they come to you and the process takes about five minutes! Check out their site to make an appointment and find out more about their services: http://4thbin.com/
Posted: 31 Mar 2015 07:30 AM PDT
Technology improves at a rapid pace and the devices we love today are the outdated clunkers of tomorrow. Who’s got a VCR sitting around? I do. And although you may have a plan to replace, donate, or properly dispose of unwanted hardware, you still might have a pile of cables on hand. Fortunately, this often-overlooked pile of clutter is easy to handle.
I recently read an article on MacObserver that’s full of suggestions for managing unwanted cables. Writing for MacObserver, Kelly Guimont begins with practical advice:
Start by making sure your friends and family all have what they need too. Perhaps they need extras for car charging or computer bags or whatever.
The cable you don’t need might be exactly what a relative or friend wants. Gulmont continues, describing various options for recycling: Best Buy and Staples have free programs and “… 1-800-Recycling and the National Center for Electronics Recycling will hook you up with the appropriate local facilities.”
I will add schools and scouting groups to the list of possible cable donation recipients. Many have STEM programs that are always in need of donations, and the cables they need often aren’t the latest and greatest.
Other suggestions: Be sure you know your devices well to know exactly which cables you need for your devices. When you donate or recycle your equipment, include the appropriate cables with the device in your donation — especially duplicates. Also, check with your local municipal and/or county recycling centers to learn where to dispose of the cables so when it is appropriate to trash them (such as broken and unsafe cables) you know the location to drop them off and the process.
Cables are insidious things that love to congregate in homes and never leave. The good news is there are several options for finding them a new place to be. Happy organizing!
Post written by David Caolo
Monday, March 16, 2015
Everything But the Kitchen Sink
You may think cleaning the kitchen would be tedious, but after you read this post, you will see it can actually be rewarding. Check out my latest guest blog for busywifebusylife.com
What are you doing to Spring clean your kitchen?
2015. Rosemary Flannery. All Rights Reserved.
What are you doing to Spring clean your kitchen?
2015. Rosemary Flannery. All Rights Reserved.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Happy 2015!
I had the honor of guest blogging on BUSYWIFEBUSYLIFE.com today. Check out my latest tips on clearing out your clothing closets.
A BIG thank you to Sherita Rankins at BWBL for asking me to post on her site.
2015.Rosemary Flannery. All Rights Reserved.
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