The snow seems like it is on its way out and Spring is in the air if this past week is any indication, so how about tackling your closets in preparation for the new season. Let's see what you have, still fits, or needs to go. If you don't have the time to examine everything in your closet, this is something that can me done daily as you pick out what you are going to wear on a given day.Just take 10 minutes a day - if you make this a daily habit you will have put in over an hour per week and cleared some room in your closet.
But if you do have the time, especially on a rainy weekend like this one, it's a good idea to work on improving your space. Because of our current economic situation, you may have come across the term, "shop your closet." Start by taking everything out of your closet until it is empty. Sort through the items. Touch and inspect EVERYTHING, then try the garment on. Does it fit? Is it flattering? Is it in good condition minus holes, stains, worn out patches and most important, DO YOU ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT? If you answered yes to all of these questions, then put the clothing in the "keep" pile. As you continue this process designate "toss," "repair," and "donate" piles.
When you have whittled down everything you are keeping, clean the closet first by vacuuming and washing shelves. I recommend The Aromatherapy Apothecary's natural cleaning spray (www.thearomatherapyapothecary.com) - a non-toxic alternative to Fantastic or Spray 9. Once the space is clean, and sparkling, you are ready to put your designated items back. To see what you have and get a good rotation of you wardrobe, I recommend putting like items together e.g., blouses and shirts on multiple shirt hangers, same for pants, etc. ( this also helps if you have limited room like I do). One of my favorite items is the Hanger Cascader(www.shopgetorganized.com)which allows you to tier your tops and dresses while allowing for some breathing room between grouped clothing.
Once you can see everything in your closet, you may re-discover an old favorite or be more open to mixing and matching instead of relying on old stand-byes or feeling the need to have to go out and buy more stuff. I advise you to act swiftly on disposing of unwanted items. Things that are unwearable should be tossed or used for rags. Anything in good condition, i.e. still wearable with no signs of wear or damage, should be taken to your nearest thrift shop where you can get a tax deduction for your donation. If you have business attire that is still in style consider a donation to Dress for Success annual clothing drive. Check out www.dressforsuccess.org/ for more information.
I know this is not the easiest of clutter tasks to conquer. We all have emotional ties to our clothes, but if you do not feel fabulous every time you put on an outfit, then it is time to go. Even Oprah is getting into the spirit of letting go, so if she can do it, so can you.
Good advice. I must say the closet still challenges me. We spend so much for clothing, and I tend to make a lot of "mistakes" so it can be hard to admit that and let go. I'm getting better, but I'd be very happy if I could managed to pair my wardrobe down to a couple of black t-shirts, jeans and sweaters.