If you are considering hiring me or another personal organizer, you may want to consider this client, Adam Woods' experience in person and via Skype.
Ashamed at the growing clutter around our house in London, I called in Rosemary for a morning look around and very quickly we came to an agreement about priorities. With 2 growing children, a dog and cat, there were many priorities in my mind, but Rosemary very gently narrowed them down to some intensive work in the 'playroom' which had become a boy's computer room and had a sad, neglected feel to it. When the day of action arrived (Sort out Saturday) I was up far too early clearing irrelevant lofts, but Rosemary came in like a modern-day Mary Poppins, and with great fun and warmth, turned what could have been a stressful day of forcing me to 'let go' of stuff to a really practical, therapeutic series of constructive questions. Just 3 hours in, the room had been transformed into what she termed a 'man cave' where I now centre my self-employed life. The transformation was amazing, and felt completely natural. There's no way I would have been able to have made these changes on my own, so it really pays to have someone as experienced and professional as Rosemary by your side! We followed up SoS with a few sessions via Skype between NY and London to make sure I was on track with the other aspects of de-cluttering we had discussed. The overall effect is like a waterfall - now my boys have started to tidy-up after themselves, and the house is beginning to look more like the vision I had when Rosemary first came round. I can't recommend her services enough - it's like having a close friend and ally helping you get, literally, your house in order!
Good bless